Mile 81: Manchester, Connecticut

This part of the Hartford, Providence, and Fishkill is special to me as it was the first I was exposed to. At the time I taught at Manchester High School, and I was eager to learn about local history and was hoping to see a train! Unfortunately, the last run east of North Main Street occured in July, 2016. This is according to the application to abandon those tracks, stretching from milepost 8.33 (North Main Street) to milepost 9.4. The last run on the Manchester Branch east of School Street in East Hartford appeared to be on November 8, 2017, according to a post on the Connecticut Southern Railroad fan page on Facebook. The tracks between School St and North Main Street are not abandoned, but are out of service (OOS.) Sometime between 2021 and 2023 the crossings in Manchester were formally marked EXEMPT and in addition the crossing in extremely poor condition on Tolland Turnpike was marked "Rough Crossing."

Highlights of this section include the former platforms at the Manchester Depot site on North Main, and the junction with the South Manchester Railway.

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Oakland Street Crossing, Looking East (2021)
Oakland Street Crossing, Looking East in November 2021. This section is now formally abandoned and will be made into a rail trail linking the Hop River and Cheney (South Manchester) Rail Trails.
Oakland St Crossing Looking West, November 2021
Oakland Street Crossing, Looking West in November 2021. This section is now formally abandoned and will be made into a rail trail linking the Hop River and Cheney (South Manchester) Rail Trails.
North Main St Crossing Looking East, August 2016
North Main St Crossing Looking East, August 2016. From the point of the camera eastward, all of this is now abandoned.
Crossing controls, North Main St in 2016
Crossing controls, North Main St in August, 2016. As of 2023 this crossing has been removed.
Looking West from East Side of North Main St Crossing, August, 2016.
Looking West from East Side of North Main St Crossing, August, 2016. As of 2023 this crossing has been removed. The line exists from the platforms seen here on west, but is out of service from School St in East Hartford to this street.
Manchester Station Site and North Main Street Crossing Looking East, November 2017
Manchester Depot Site and North Main Street Crossing, November 15, 2017. This is about a week after the reported last Manchester run. The right of way seems in good condition both sides of North Main.
Manchester Depot Site and North Main Street Crossing, 2021
Similar view as above but in November 2021, four years after the line was placed out of service.
North Main Street Crossing, November, 2021
North Main Street Crossing, November, 2021
North Main Street Crossing, November, 2021
North Main Street Crossing, November, 2021. By 2023 the crossing and gates were removed.
Manchester Depot Site, 2021
Manchester Depot Site, 2021
Manchester Depot Site, 2016 With South Manchester Rwy Junction Visible
The author with his daughter at the Manchester Depot Site, September, 2016. Note the South Manchester Railway right of way branching off. Today this is called the Cheney Rail Trail and can be explored here.
Manchester Depot Site, 2021 With South Manchester Rwy Junction Visible
The same location 5 years later in November 2021, 4 years after the line was embargoed.
Trailhead of the Cheney Rail Trail (South Manchester Railway) in 2016
A closer look at the junction with the South Manchester Railway (Cheney Rail Trail) in September, 2016
End of the Manchester Station Platform, looking towards Buckland in 2017
End of the Manchester Station Platform, looking towards Buckland in November, 2017
An asphalt platform extends beyond the concrete platform at the Manchester Station Site
An asphalt platform extends beyond the concrete platform at the Manchester Station Site. The platform extension appears to be from passenger days, because it has a yellow safety line. Photo from August, 2016.
Looking towards North Main St from the Platform Extension at the Manchester Station Site
Looking towards North Main St from the Platform Extension at the Manchester Station Site. The construction of asphalt and old rail ties can clearly be seen, as can the yellow safety stripe. August, 2016.
Looking west towards Buckland from the very end of the Manchester platform extension
Looking west towards Buckland from the very end of the Manchester platform extension in August, 2016.

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(c) 2016-2023 Timothy M Dowd. Last Modified @ 23:04 EDT on 2023-11-02
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