Just south of the junction with the mainline, remains of other tracks are visible. November, 2017.

Approaching Hilliard St from the north in Sepember, 2016

The whistle sign north of Hilliard Street in November, 2017.

Along the Cheney Rail Trail in November, 2017

Signage along the Cheney Rail Trail in September, 2016

The author at the Middle Turnpike Crossing in September, 2016. This is just east of the former Vic's Pizza.

South of Middle Turnpike in September, 2016

Approaching Center Springs Park in September, 2016

The bridge over Center Springs Park in November, 2017

A view of Center Springs Park from the Cheney Rail Trail Bridge in September, 2016.

South of Center Springs Park in November, 2017

The original end of the Cheney
Rail Trail, north of the Center Street Bridge in November, 2017. The
trail now crosses Center Street and continues to the Cheney Mill complex.

Looking north along the South Manchester Railroad from the Cheney Mill (12/2023.)

Looking north along the South Manchester RR/Cheney Rail Trail. According to Christine Ladd's blog entry, this was a railcar storage building (12/2023.)

Looking south from the South Manchester Railroad into the Cheney Mill complex. According to Christine Ladd's blogpost, the building at right was a silk storage building (12/2023.)