The Remains of the Central New England Railway in Connecticut
This page is dedicated to documenting and preserving the remains of the Central New England Railroad, a long defunct roadbed, as they appeared at the beginning of the 21st Century. It was a project that my father and I worked on in the late 1990s through around 2005. The site is mostly frozen as it appeared in 2003, but a few fixes and updates may be applied where appropriate. Although the site isn't currently actively maintained or updated, I would like to keep the page as historically accurate as possible. If we put up any misinformation or photos of things that aren't actually railroad related, please let us know. Also, if you know of anywhere that should be on this page, please let us know and maybe someday we'll get there. Thanks!
Photos are organized by general location on the line. This map comes from a 1901 map of the CNE, (C) and used with permission by the Poughkeepsie Bridge Page. A narrative about each section of line accompanies every page

1.)Trackage in
2.)Bloomfield Depot
3.) Griffin and North Bloomfield
4.) Simsbury
5.) Stratton Brook State Park
6.) Intact Rattlesnake Brook Bridge and Collinsville Jct. Station
7.) Satan's Kingdom
8.) New Hartford Bridge remains
9.) Bridges in between New Hartford and Winsted
10.) Line in Winsted
11.) Remains in the Mad River Valley west of Winsted
12.) Norfolk Station and Rt. 44/ Greenwoods Road Overpass
13.) Whiting Viaduct
!14.) Canaan Union Station
A ! mark indicates that new photos were included on this page during the last update
We are grateful to CONNECTICUT RAILROADS: An Illustrated History, which was useful in tracing a route and finding features. It is highly recommended for purchase
We are also in debt to Phil Lechak, for his donation of USGS maps that he has marked with where the route went.
The Central New England Railway is not affiliated with this site nor endorses it, although the authors certainly endorse the Central New England Railway!
Last Update: 14 February, 2024 @ 00:21 EST
back to Tim's page
(C)1999-2024 Bernard and Tim Dowd.